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Festa di S. Anna

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Città di Ischia il 26/07
La festa di Sant’Anna risale ad una tradizione del secolo scorso. Il 26 di Luglio, d’ogni anno, le donne gravide andavano in processione a venerare l’effige della Madre della Madonna che si trovava in una cappella nella baia di Cartaromana. Esse erano accompagnate da un corteo composto dalle barche dei pescatori, che per l’occasione addobbavano lo scafo con frasche e ghirlande di fiori.
Intorno agli anni 30 un gruppo d’amici venne in mente di istituire un premio per la barca più bella. Successivamente a questo gruppo d’amici si unisce un falegname e artigiano che sostituisce ai gozzi delle zattere con forme ed ornamenti sorprendenti. A così inizio la festosa processione a mare con carri allegorici acquatici. Da allora la festa a mare degli scogli di Sant’Anna ha un fascino tutto suo, è una manifestazione che non ha eguali al mondo, perché si avvale di uno scenario che da solo varrebbe la pena di vivere sempre. Il numero è esorbitante degli spettatori che si assiepano sulla scogliera e sulle barche nella splendida baia. Essi vogliono essere testimoni che la festa mantiene intatto il suo fascino nel tempo, l’atmosfera che si crea con l’incendio del castello e la spettacolarità dei fuochi d’artificio.

Vincenzo Funiciello

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He was born in Ischia in 1905, he returned to the school of instinctive painters whose Ischia was rich. Son of a large family that could not send him to study, Funiciello remembered with gratitude the Ricchizzi landscape painter who discovered his interest and was his disinterested teacher. Funiciello no longer used the brushes, when in Berlin, where he returned after the war, he saw on the floor of a tailor a wealth of colors in the scrap of cloth, took the desire to use what awaited the broom, was born the idea to what the painting was supposed to be the island novelty: the collage. He wrote his paintings with scraps of cloth, a big success which ensured a quiet comfort.
His landscapes and interiors, where the agreement of mosaic colors of cloth echoing tones look forward to his last way a painter with brushes, compounds with a rigorous perspective that cost him much more than painting in the traditional way.

Aniellantonio Mascolo

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He was born in iIschia in 1903. At the age of 20 he worked as carpenter, in 1929 he left to Siena, registered at the Academy in plastic and ornamental design. Plastic was a passion for him and so he decided to become a sculptor. The Mascolo in his work told the story of the people. In his woodcuts is a religious geometry, a solemn composure.

Francesco De Angelis

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Francesco took his first steps in painting under the guidance of his father Luigi. Soon taking over the art, on canvas he expresses his repressed feelings, his visions, his dreams. The paintings show a very high poetry that puts them on par with the best works of metaphysical painting.

Luigi De Angelis

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He was a primitive artist who aspired to the local traditions and consecrated by popular customs. In his works idealized reality, and his characters were conceived as shepherds going about daily activities. He is able to express the essence of the island of Ischia, with a manner full of color and merriment.

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